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25% discount $150 $112.50
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How does it work?
Make your order by filling out our form and paying
We will send you an email with concepts we have come up with within 3 working days.
You choose the logo you like most
We will deliver you this final logo within three days of you choosing.
Frequently Asked Questions
I need a logo but have no ideas
We're called NILOH "CREATIVE" for a reason! So long as you have confidence in us making something work, we'll be glad to come up with ideas. As per the standard process we'll send you a draft, where you can then request changes. We'll send a second draft and up to a third draft if need be.
What if I don't know what to do with the files you send me?
It's simple. We'll send the vector file (SVG), which is the industry standard for web, app and ad design. You ever tried to make an image larger or smaller and it loses its quality? That's what happens with JPG and PNG (raster files). That's what vectors are for, you can make them any size and they will always be crisp!
Why wouldn't I just use AI?
AI does not generate perfect logos. It is great for inspiration and generic prompts, but it cannot make micro adjustments in the same way a human can (YET!). Not to mention we use vectors, which these generators do not.
OK, I've paid, now what?
After payment you can kick back and know that we're working on your logo. We send you up to three drafts before the final logo.